Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well, today had me pondering in one of my favourite spots... It's the school holidays so that is GREAT - I welcome the break, and am giving myself this first week off from thinking about school. I am sooo pleased I made it to the end of the first term. I have grown a lot! (funny how 'a lot' is merely the tip of the iceberg! So many growing moments in 10 short weeks of Term 1). And in my breathing space, I have such great plans for our home and our savings account and my wardrobe.. and our home, and the kids' wardrobes...

Yeah, that's why I'm pondering really

(This was the image in front of me as I pondered... arghhh! Good work to get all that washing dry eh! Who is going to put it all away???)

I've created my reality with the full-time job and lovely second income, and we've even gone so far as to decide it's time to get serious with house renovations (we've dreamed of this moment since living in the UK many moons ago) ... what's missing is the vision. I love, really LOVE, pouring (pawing?) through those Your Home and Garden mags; Life&Leisure is another favourite, and I so want to have a nurturing home environment that soothes the soul, and mirrors the souls of those who live here. On one level, I reckon our chaos in this house does mirror our souls - but are we that chaotic!? We've toyed with the idea of moving home, but this place is where it's at for now. Golly.. such ramblings! Is having a lovely home environ more about 'allowing oneself to have it' than affording it, making choices/indecision, etc? I wonder...

PS: We have two new members of our household. Meet sweet Evee (top photo) and Neo:

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