Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Yes! I have practiced the antidote to frustration and it worked: I took action and.. amazingly enough, my home is more organised and spacious!WOW! That is a great feeling - and more spaces are looking calm and orderly. Things have places, and things that didn't have places have found the bin, or the Trash Palace bag.

(Another little-known fact about me is that I love going to Trash Palace, and immediately after I've been, I am scheming about when I get to go again! Hence the bag: if I have stuff to take there, then I have to go, don't I!)

Well, that's all really. Just wanted to share some 'virtual sunshine' about everything having a place, and being in it!

My son Ciaran is reading over my shoulder and he thinks I should write about what we did today! Here goes: first we had to go looking for Wayne's mobile phone on the side of the road coz he thought he might have lost it there (he didn't. It is lost altogether) (an excuse to get another fancier one, methinks!); then we organised Ciaran's room: he bravely let go of some of his belongings to order his room and make it easier to tidy..

while this was going on, Emma played on her DS and played with the kittens, and Ciaran helped and practiced his cartoon-drawing, and played with kittens!

Emma made us lunch! That was a delicious act of kindness as Ciaran and I were nearly done with the tidying and got most starving: both at the same time. We had bread rolls, muesli bars, and chocolate buttons .. Yum!

After that (and several loads of washing) (and tidying the plastic container cupboard in the kitchen)(and playing with kittens), we went to get C a haircut, plus did a spot of shopping. C got the Monster vs Aliens blobby thing he wanted, and E collected yet another Bakugan (this time, using money from her US-Aunty Shelly). After that we, hmmmm, had hot chocolate, did some more cartooning and, hmmmm, had hamburgers, and, well, got our jammies on. What a great day!

Tomorrow has us doing numerous chores and.. having an exciting trip to the Sliding Patch! Will reveal tomorrow - with photos.

How are you?


Betty-Ann said...

Hi Cheryl. You and your children have had a very productive day. Sounds like you are really enjoying your hoiidays.

Lala said...

See I told you I read your blog.
So keep updating us.
You make life sound so blissful and sunny even though I know it is pouring with rain and so windy that it blows the water right out of your 3 loads of washing.
It was lovely to see you and the family in the holidays.
Love Jeannette